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Newsletter # Date Topics
NL2006055/1/2006First Steps, National Provider Identifier, Ventricular Assist Devices and Codes, Web interChange Passwords and Audits, File Exchange Update, Form 8A and Edit 2600, 835 Transaction, State MAC Rates, Albuterol Inhalers, Claims Processing Hints, Workshops
NL2006044/1/2006New bulletins, System Maintenance, 835 Transaction, TOB Update, Medicare Denied Details for Crossover, Personal Injury Claims, TPL Credit Balance Project, HCPCS Codes Update, COBA, HCBS Waiver Payment in Full, State MAC Updates, Medicaid Drug Rebate
NL2006033/8/2006New bulletins, CMS Web links, HCPCS Codes Updates, COBA Implementation, IHCP E-mail, Medicare D, State MAC Rate Update, Provider Workshops
NL2006022/1/2006COBA, E-mail Notification, Hospice Rates, Pharmacy Reimbursement, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, E1 Transaction, Provider Workshops, Contact Information, Provider Field Consultants, Reference, Provider Workshop Form
NL2006011/15/2006COBA, Web Publications, Hippotherapy, Hospice, ICD-9-CM, Web interChange Password, Personal Injury, TPL Credit Balance, MRT and PASRR, Pkg E Dental, Pharmacy Payment, Medicare Prescription, RBMC, At Risk Pregnancy, Pkg E CDT-5, TPL Form, 1st Qtr Workshops
NL20051212/9/2005Hospice Rates, IDC-9-CM Codes, Hippotherapy, Web interChange Passwords, Personal Injury Claims, TPL Credit Balance, Correction: MRT, Correction: MRT and PASRR, Pharmacy Reimbursement, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, Mandatory RBMC, TPL Referral Form
NL20051111/1/2005SRS Reimbursement, IDC-9-CM, Hippotherapy, Prenatal Risk, Web interChange Password, Personal Injury, TPL Credit Balance, MRT and PASRR, Package E Dental, Pharmacy Payment, Medicare Prescription Drug, Mandatory RBMC, Package E CDT-5, TPL Form
NL20051010/1/2005Hippotherapy, Prenatal Risk, HIPAA Security and Privacy, Web interChange Password, Signature Stamp, Personal Injury, TPL Credit Balance, MRT and PASRR, Dental PA, Package E Dental, Pharmacy Payment, Medicare Prescription Drug, RBMC, Pkg E CDT-5, TPL Form

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